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CASAS (Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System)

CASAS is a competency-based assessment.  In competency-based education, the curriculum is set out as a series of competencies (criteria) that need to be accomplished to show attainment of a particular educational objective.  A learner's progress on a competency is assessed with a criterion-referenced test.  Pre- and post-tests are administered to assess the learner's knowledge of the materials.  The CASAS competency statements comprise the curriculum in which many separate desired skills are identified and taught, and the assessments are used to evaluate a learner's skill level. To learn more about CASAS, go to

In order for tests to be used for official reporting, they must be approved by the National Reporting System. Click on the link to see the list of NRS-approved CASAS tests.

CASAS has created online training that can be completed by individuals on their own. These online trainings can be found at


CASAS Paper Test Certification

Individuals must complete Modules 1 and 3.

*NEW! Paper Test Proctors must complete "CASAS Paper Test Proctor Certification" online..

Notes from Proctor Test Certification

*Steps for Testing Day (Overview of steps a proctor should take to create a successful testing experience)

*Suggested Verbal Instructions (Use these verbal instructions to maintain standardization)


CASAS eTest Certification

Follow the instructions in the "Computer-based and Remote Testing" box below

Implementation Training

This is a basic, introductory training, designed to walk participants through the CASAS assessment process, from appraisal to post-test. The process of using test results to inform instruction will be explained. The intended audience for this training includes:


  • New teachers who are not familiar with the CASAS assessment system

  • Other new staff who may be responsible for intake and assessment

  • Intake and teaching staff who may be familiar with
    the CASAS assessments, but who have never had the
    opportunity to attend a formal Implementation Training,
    and/or who want to gain a better understanding of the
    entire system

  • "Seasoned" Staff who want a refresher course in the
    CASAS assessment process


Implementation trainings are 3 hours long. The optimal number of participants is 8 to 25 people. These trainings are available to Minnesota ABE consortia and their partners. Please contact Marty Olsen ( to schedule a training.


To view currently scheduled trainings, click on Calendar.




Computer-based and
Remote Testing

ETesting can be done face-to face in the same space or remotely. CASAS provides a lot of guidance for both on-site eTesting and remote testing on their website.

On-Site Testing

  • Prior to implementing eTests, programs must follow the guidelines found on the "Going Live! Checklist".

  • Once your program has completed steps 1 and 2 on the checklist, you can order web test units.

  • Continue to follow the links on the "Going Live! Checklist" to access additional information on each of the steps that must be completed to implement eTests.

  • Additional and more in-depth information can be found on the CASAS website at the "CASAS eTests Help Page".

Contact for more information.


Remote Testing

  • Once your assessment team is comfortable with eTesting, they can choose to implement remote testing, where the person taking the test is at a different site than the staff person.

  • CASAS has provided a "Going Remote" Checklist" that provides a clear list of tasks to complete to successfully implement remote testing.

  • Additional information detailing remote testing can be found on the CASAS website on the "Remote Testing for CASAS Tests" page.

Email for assistance.

Beverage Mug and a Laptop
Minnesota-Made Resources
Presentation Handouts and PowerPoints
CASAS Competency
Lesson Plan Links

Click on the targeted competency content area.  The page that opens will include links to lesson plans that address the targeted competency statements.



   0. Basic Communication

   1. Community Economics

   2. Consumer Resources

   3. Health

   4. Employment

   5. Government and Law

   6. Math

   7. Learning and Thinking Skills

Test Competency Links





“The CASAS and TABE training/retraining keeps support staff up-to-date. So good to partake in the discussion at the sessions. ABE assessment website has many useful lessons." 

Survey comment, Supplemental Services Survey

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