Minnesota Adult Basic Education
Assessment Training

Support Services Conference
SW ABE, the Minnesota Department of Education and SPARC sponsor an annual statewide conference for support professionals. There is a full-day preconference, focusing on assessment training, plus a full-day general conference that includes an ABE update from our state ABE director (and other state ABE staff) as well as concurrent sessions on such topics as:
Orientation to ABE
Data analysis
Intake and orientation practices
Enrollment practices
Customer service
Conflict resolution
Effective communication
Cultural awareness
The 2025 conference will be held on Thursday, November 13 and Friday, November 14, 2025. It will be a virtual conference, held using the ZOOM platform.
The Support Services Conference planning team is seeking presentation proposals from the field. Your colleagues would love to hear what you're doing in your programs and classrooms to address the following areas, which align with the ABE Support Professional's Certificate:
ABE Program & Policy Knowledge:
Overview of ABE: Programs, History & Policy
Local ABE Knowledge: Specific to Consortium District, Program
NRS Accountability and Rules
Assessment: New User, Annual, Certification
SiD Database Management
Email Communication
Technology Tools: Software and/or Equipment
Customer Service:
Cultural Awareness & Understanding ABE Populations
Effective Client Communication
Conflict Resolution
Effective Work Culture:
Time & Task Management
Professionalism & Communication
Understanding Self & Others
The Proposal Form can be accessed by clicking here.
**REGISTER for the Friday Conference: Click on the link to register for the Friday, November 14th conference. After registering, you will receive a ZOOM link that you can use to access the Opening Session for the conference. During the Opening Session, the links for the conference sessions will be shared so that you can access the sessions you wish to attend. The conference program will also be sent to those who are registered the week before the conference.
Register for the Pre-conference CASAS Implementation Training - Thursday, November 13th, 9:00-12:00 noon via ZOOM. Register for the CASAS training at this link.
Register for the Pre-conference TABE Implementation Training - Thursday, November 13th, 1:00-4:00 pm via ZOOM. Register for the TABE training at this link.
Registration is due by Monday, November 10, 2025.
CONFERENCE AGENDA: Click on the link to see a draft copy of the conference agenda.