Minnesota Adult Basic Education
Assessment Training

Photo by Aubree Herrick on Unsplash

Photo by Tony L on Unsplash


Photo by Aubree Herrick on Unsplash
Assessment Training all across Minnesota
Training Adult Basic Education professionals in the art of standardized testing
The Support Professionals Resource Advisory Committee (SPARC) is comprised of ABE Support Staff who seek ways to help support staff all across Minnesota. Each November they sponsor the Support Staff Conference, and have been instrumental in developing the ABE Support Professional's Certificate.
Southwest ABE holds a Minnesota Adult Basic Education Supplemental Services grant in the area of Assessment Training.
SW ABE contracts with Minnesota certified trainers in the areas of CASAS and TABE test administration, to provide trainings to Adult Basic Education professionals in the proper administration of the assessments, as well as appropriate use of the results in instructional planning.
The test series that are approved for use in NRS reporting are CASAS Life & Work for English Language Learners, CASAS GOALS for Adult Basic Education, and TABE 11&12 for ABE. More information on the MN ABE Assessment Policy can be found on mnabe.org.
To schedule a training: contact Marty Olsen at martha.olsen@gmail.com
“CASAS and TABE trainings offer good information. ABE assessment website has good resources. There was a nice variety of sessions at the Support Staff Conference.”
Survey comment, Supplemental Services Survey